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Funeral Service of Hubert & Shirley OGG

Scunthorpe | Published in: Scunthorpe Telegraph.

Jason Threadgold Funeral Director
Jason Threadgold Funeral Director
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Hubert & ShirleyOGGOGG Hubert & Shirley Alan & Jennifer Walker, Alan Corney rep Joanne, Alec Ogg rep Dave Ogg, Andrew Jackson, Ann Campbell, Ann Hogg rep Alan Smith, Ann Townend, Ben & Lorainne Nundy, Betty Carter rep Dave Carter, Bill Ogg, Bridget Bramhill, Carol Davies, Cheryl Smith, Chris & Margaret Knowles, Clive & Carol Coulthurst, Colin & Sandra Cooper, David Bratton, David Horner, Derek Howson, Doris Priest, Dorna Saundy, Elaine Rhodes, Eric Peal rep Val & Simon, Gordon & Richard Ogg rep Janet, Helen & Richard Hales, Ian & Sharon Gilmour, Ian Dowson, Jane Scott, Jill Spencer, John & Glenda Jackson rep Mick Quibell, John Drury rep Muriel, Jon & Suzie Fanthorpe, Josie Ogg rep Jonathan & Estelle, Joyce Ledgerwood rep Phillip Ledgerwood, Katrina Dobbs, Keith & Angela Waterland, Keith Cook rep Vonn, Keith Miller, Kev Corney, Les & Janice Taylor, Les Adlard, Lou Cooper, Lydie Artley, Malcolm Fowler rep Fowler family, Marie Wingate rep Tony Wingate, Michael Leaning, Mike, Marianne & James Ogg, Mr & Mrs S Brown, Nigel & Pauline Fox, Nigel, Sue & Thomas Ogg rep John Sawyer, Oliver & Emily Kirman, Paul Cook rep Cook family, Paula Fenwick rep Nadine Hodson, Peter & Jan Burton, Peter & Tricia Gibson, Phillip & Elizabeth Priest, Ralph Ogg, Raymond & Maureen Astle, Richard & Christine Webb, Richard Button, Richard, Gilly & Rosie Kirman, Ron Ogg, Ruby Cox, Sandra & Salt Clayton rep Sarah Cook, Shirley Hicks rep Shirley Sutton, Stephen & Helen Smith , Steven & Pauline Kirman rep Louise, Lewis & Russell, Steven Stubbins rep Stubbins family, Sylvia Osgerby, Sylvia Woods , Terry & Gill Cook , Trevor, Vanessa & Simon Ogg , Trudy & Chanice Chapman, Wendy Sutton, Vicky rep Tune family.
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Published: 11/08/2022
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